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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Export with constraints / Import without constraints
There are a few more things constraints do that indexes do not (not null or references). An index, however, can be apart of a constraint (unique or primary key for instance). Unfortunately, I'm not familiar enough with 7.2 to provide you more of an answer. Though I can tell you that import will bring all constraints for the table that are germain to the table (ie not null) when it creates it - much as 'create select....'.
Didier wrote:
> With ORACLE 7.2.3, you can export tables with constraints (CONTRAINTS
> keyword). But how can i import such an export file if I only want
> tables with rows but not with constraints. There's no CONSTRAINTS
> keyword in import syntax, and INDEXES keyword is not about
> constraints.
> Thanks for your help.
Received on Thu Oct 22 1998 - 18:54:15 CDT