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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Unable to Create INITIAL extent for segment in TABLESPACE
Your tablespace is fragmented. Even though you may have lots of free space,
if it is all broken down into small chunks it doesn't do you much good.
Your queries are trying to create temporary segments (for sorting) that are
larger than the largest free extent available. Alter the tablespace to
increase it's size. Depending on which version of oracle, you can increase
the current datafile or else you have to add another datafile.
Another good thing you might want to do is to export all objects in the
tablespace, drop/rebuild it and then reimport. That will cleanup as well.
Terry Dykstra [TeamPS]
Canadian Forest Oil Ltd.
Margaret Peacock wrote in message <70o4r0$lmv$>...
>I just did a large amount of updates on my database. I am now getting the
>Unable to create INITIAL extent for segment in tablespace SMPTBS
>What does this mean? I tried to do an alter database to increase the size
of the extents for the tablespace, but that doesn't work (and isn't the
initial extent set once and used once?) Now certain quieries are erroring.
Please send advice as soon as possible. Thanks in advance.
>Margaret Peacock ESN: 655-8559
>Intranet Web Master EXTERNAL: (408) 565-8559
>Nortel - Mission Park
Received on Thu Oct 22 1998 - 18:21:01 CDT