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Re: Halp!!! Import data: new machines with three disks and different table spaces from export

From: Petter Hansen <>
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 20:13:36 +0200
Message-ID: <>

  1. Export the user that owns the application/tables. (Remember the RECORDLENGTH if the machines isnt binary compatible)
  2. Export the user again WITHOUT data or indexes. (Goes VERY fast)
  3. Create a new database on the new machine. (Only system,tools,rbs,user and tmp)
  4. Create the tablespace(s) you want to use. One for data One for indexes and maybe some more for the BIG tables/indexes 5.Run import with the parameter indexfile enabled. That way you get all the create tables/index statements for free.
  5. Check how much storage each of the objects has allocated in the old database.
  6. Change the INITIAL storage accordingly in #5. Use create statements in #5.
  7. Create all tables in the new database for the user. (Remember to place them in any new tablespaces)
  8. Import the export that were taken WITHOUT data or indexes. This way you'll get grants,sequences and stuff for free,
  9. Import the exportfile which contains data for the user. DO NOT import indexes at the same time.
  10. Using the file generated in #5 you create the indexes. Voila. Variations to this may occur. Contact me if this is not what you wanted. wrote:

> Amigos
> I have a new machine, with three different physical disks.
> I also have an existing machine with only 2 disks and only 1 tablepsace for
> the data and another for indexes.
> Now I want to change that to 2 different tablespaces for data and 1 for the
> indexes. What is the easiest way of accomplishing this task. There are a total
> of about 40 tables with a few big ones and about double that in indexes
> Any help will be greatly appreciated ! :-)
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Received on Wed Oct 21 1998 - 13:13:36 CDT

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