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Re: Choosing backup strategy on NT

From: M. Bhatti <>
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 08:51:25 -0400
Message-ID: <>

MMK Productions wrote:

> Carsten,
> I do not know about the "rumors", NT is a 1st tier port now so a lot
> of
> people are working on the release and I have confidence in Oracle on
> NT. If
> you go to Oracle8 I suggest you go right ot 8.0.5.
> I recommend you go to semi weekly cold backups, weekly full exports,
> and
> keep two "rounds" of archived log files - that was if there was a
> problem
> with a cold backup file, you could go back one cycle in an emergency.
> Most
> of all - practice!
> Which brings me to this - my concern is the ability to test the
> recovery.
> For example, how do you simulate a file loss? Try to DEL a file while
> the
> DB is open - you cannot. NT will not let you. In Unix I can log on
> as
> oracle8 and rm the file while the DB is open and wait for the errors
> to
> start.
> >We are setting up an Oracle db on Win NT 4.0, size 6-8 Gb, 60 users,
> using
> Oracle Workgroup Server 7.3 (optionally Oracle 8.0).
> ...
> >We were originally thinking of using a hot backup on NT, but now we
> hear
> >rumours that this is not working reliably. And also that the recovery
> cannot
> >be run unattended
> ...
> >We have looked into other options, and are having a meeting with
> Oracle
> tomorrow to investigate the different options together. (Hot backup,
> Cold
> backup, Export, Read-only snapshots to second server - backup from
> there,
> Standby database - ditto, Partitioning tables - a work-around in
> >programming/usage, and so on). Is there anyone out there who has
> experiences good or bad with hot backup
> >under NT with a similarly sized db? Or who have made similar
> evaluations of
> backup strategy on NT?
> ...
> >Regards,
> >Carsten Kristensen
> >BITsoft as
> >Bergen,Norway

What I've done in the past on NT while the db is open, is actually open a datafile in Notepad and delete a few characters from the header then save the file. Works really well. I forget which errors you get but you definetly get errors that say "datafile xxx in need of media recovery". That's how I practiced recovery.

mkb Received on Tue Oct 20 1998 - 07:51:25 CDT

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