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Re: Row level locks and Sessionid! - thankyou Thomas (Kyte)

From: <Clive_at_shimmer>
Date: 1998/10/19
Message-ID: <>#1/1

On Sun, 11 Oct 1998 12:48:08 GMT, (Thomas Kyte) wrote:

>A copy of this was sent to Ram Pudupet <>
>(if that email address didn't require changing)
>On Fri, 09 Oct 1998 22:56:26 -0700, you wrote:
>>I had posted a question to this forum last week about locking issues and
>>obtained responses that were really helpful. Let me continue this
>>discussion further.
>>Problem Stmt: If I try to lock a row, the stmt errors out if some other
>>user has locked it. How do I obtain information about the sesson that
>>has locked the row?
>>Relevant info and issues: If I specify a wait option when requesting the
>>lock, I can get the session information from the v$session and v$lock
>>tables. However this would mean that the original session cannot query
>>these tables because it is waiting on a lock. If I use a nowait, there
>>is no wait information in the v$lock and v$ session tables. Just getting
>>the object# wont do because many sesisons can have locks on different
>>rows in the same table.
>>I can get the rowid when I request a lock with the nowait option. I need
>>to translate this to the information in the v$lock, and/or v$transaction
>>Has anyone had this problem before and if so what are my options? Where
>>can I get information about the individual columns in the v$lock,
>>v$session , and v$transaction tables?? There are a bunch of columns in
>>there that I know can be used to get the info that I'm looking for.
>Oracle does not keep a table of "session and rows they have locked" anywhere.
>the lock information in Oracle for row data is stored directly on the database
>block itself in the transaction headers and is not accessible. The best you can
>do is list the sessions that have locks on rows in the table (all sessions) but
>given a row -- unless you use 3 sessions (or 2 sessions, the blocker can see who
>they are blocking and can see what rows they are waiting on) -- you cannot find
>out definitively who has that row locked.
>The sess
>Thomas Kyte
>Oracle Government
>Herndon VA
> -- downloadable utilities
>Opinions are mine and do not necessarily reflect those of Oracle Corporation
>Anti-Anti Spam Msg: if you want an answer emailed to you,
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 Thankyou Thomas - at last sanity is restored!

Best regards,

Clive (Premium On-site Support UK)

Clive Bostock
Received on Mon Oct 19 1998 - 00:00:00 CDT

Original text of this message