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Re: oradim73: won't create new services

From: Tommy <>
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 12:09:50 -0700
Message-ID: <>

This is a bulletin for deleting a SID on Windows NT and thiis bulletin assumes the following:

     o The SID of the instance to be removed is TEST.
     o The Oracle Home is C:\Orant.
     0 Text surrounded by brackets, such as <filename>, is to be interpreted
       as a variable that needs to be replaced - without brackets - with
       an appropriate value of the type specified.

  1. Connect as internal to the instance you wish to remove.

     1A. Start Server Manager.

          From the Windows NT Taskbar
            a.  Select Start\Run.
            b.  Input svrmgr23
            c.  Select OK.

          From Program Manager
            a.  Select File\Run
            b.  Input svrmgr23
            c.  Select OK.

     1B.  Input the following command at the SVRMGR> prompt:

                connect internal/<password>@2:TEST

     It should now state the following:


2. Using the SPOOL and SELECT commands create a file that lists

    the full directory paths of the control, log and datafiles for TEST.     The spool file will be used later to manually delete the files.

      SVRMGR>  spool <filename>
      SVRMGR>  select * from V$CONTROLFILE;
      SVRMGR>  select * from V$LOGFILE;
      SVRMGR>  select * from V$DATAFILE;
      SVRMGR>  spool off
      SVRMGR>  exit

3. Delete the instance, its services, pwd<SID>.ora and strt<SID>.ora.

     3A. Use the Taskbar or Program Manager to open a Command Prompt window.

          From the Windows NT Taskbar
              Select Start\Programs\Command Prompt.

          From Program Manager
              Select the Main icon followed by the Command Prompt icon.

     3B.  Input the following command and press Enter.

              oradim73 -delete -sid TEST

4. Verify the instance was deleted.

     4A. Open and view the oradim73.log.

          From the Windows NT Taskbar
             a.  Select Start\Programs\Windows NT Explorer.
             b.  Go to the orant\rdbms73 directory.
             c.  Open the oradim73.log file in Notepad.

          From File Manager
             a.  Open Program Manager and Select the Main icon followed by
                 File Manager icon.
             b.  Go to the orant\rdbms73 directory.
             c.  Open the oradim73.log in Notepad.

     4B.  The ordim73.log file should read:

              Deleting instance...

              Instance deleted.

          If it does, exit Notepad, exit the Explorer (or File Manager), and
go to
          Step 5.  Else, refresh the oradim73.log file periodically until it
          "Instance deleted."  If refreshing the screen doesn't change the
log, go
          to Step 5.

5. Verify the OracleStartTEST and OracleServiceTEST services were removed.

     5A. Open the Windows NT Services window.

          From the Windows NT Taskbar
             a.  Select Start\Settings\Control Panel.
             b.  Select the Services icon.

          From Program Manager
             a.  Select the Main icon.
             b.  Select the Control Panel icon.
             c.  Select the Services icon.

     5B.  Verify the following services are no longer present:

            OracleStartTEST and OracleServiceTEST.

          If they are, close the Services window, exit Control Panel,
          and go to Step 6 else to to Step 5C.

     5C.  Use the command line Instance Manager to manually delete the
          services.  Be sure to replace <service> with the name of the
          service as it appears in Control Panel\Services.

               oradim73 -delete -srvc <service1>, <service2>

     5D.  Repeat Steps 5A and 5B to verify the services were successfully
          removed.  If they have been deleted, close the Services Window,
          exit Control Panel, and go to Step 6.  If not, either refresh the
          Control Panel\Services Window periodically until they are removed.
          Or, reboot the machine to force the removal of all services
          marked for deletion.

6. Manually delete the control, log and data files using Explorer or File


    6A. Print the spool file created in Step 2.

  1. Open the spooled file in Notepad.
  2. Select File\Print.
  3. Exit Notepad.

    6B. Find and delete the control files, log files, and

         data files from the directories specified in the
         spooled file.

    6C. Delete the orant\database\initTEST.ora file. Verify the pwdTEST.ora


         hidden file) and strtTEST.ora files are deleted. If not, delete them.

    6D. Go to the Orant\Rdbms73\Trace directory. Delete all files associated

         with the TEST instance.
    6E. Exit the Explorer (or File Manager).

7. Verify the ORACLE_SID parameter in the registry is set to an instance

    other than TEST.

     CAUTION:  One should use caution in editing the registry.  Your system
               may not boot up if you inadvertently modify a critical system
               parameter.  Before editing this file you may want to view the
               'Help' in the registry.  Review the topics, 'Exporting all or
               part of the registry to a text file', 'Importing some or all
               the registry', and 'Restoring the registry'.

     7A.  Open the Registry Editor.

          From the Windows NT Taskbar
             a.  Select Start\Run.
             b.  Input regedt32
             c.  Select OK.

          From Program Manager
             a.  Select File\Run.
             b.  Input regedt32
             c.  Select OK.

          parameters should appear on the right pane.  In that list,
          locate ORACLE_SID.  If it's set to TEST, change it to another SID.

     7C.  Exit the Registry Editor.

8. The instance has been removed.

Daniel White wrote:

> Not many replies eh Tel !!!
> On Thu, 15 Oct 1998 14:42:27 +0100, Terry Freemantle
> <> wrote:
> >Any ideas appreciated, I'm going mad with this one !
> >
> >The scenario:
> >
> >Oracle 7.3.4 on NT 4.00.1381
> >
> >Stage 1 - move datafiles, redos and controls to new locations. With
> >orant in original location, open up db. No problems.
> >
> >Stage 2 - move orant to new location (different from all above files)
> >after removing all products via installer cd-rom, removing high level
> >orant folder, removing oracle key from registry,removing any oracle*
> >from system/currentcontrolset/services and deleting oracle srvc and sid
> >services via oradim73. Reboot server.
> >
> >Problem:
> >
> >New install from cd-rom to new location(no db create option) works ok.
> >Attempts at creating new sid and srvc names fail with 'failure to create
> >new service name' in oradim73.log. No pwdsid.ora file is created in
> >orant/database either. Tried approx.3 times, following above but no
> >change to error condition.
> >Re-ran installer and created default ORCL db which was fine, services
> >created and started, db open.
> >Tried creating 'test' service name with just mandatory -new and -sid
> >parms but nothing doing, same error.
> >
> >Thanks in advance.
> >
> >Terence Freemantle.
Received on Mon Oct 19 1998 - 14:09:50 CDT

Original text of this message