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Re: Connecting Developer 2000 to Personal Oracle 8.X. HELP!!!! (longish)

From: Jeremy Russell <>
Date: Sun, 11 Oct 1998 17:12:24 GMT
Message-ID: <>

This was posted a while ago ... worked for me!

All,I (and others) have recently had problems getting Personal Oracle 8.0.3 and Developer 2000 to work correctly under Windows 98. The problem with PO 8.0.3 was that the listener (LSNRCTL80.EXE) would crash when you tried to start it.

The only workaround here is to install PO 8.0.4 - trust me, i've installed PO 8.0.4 last night and it works a charm. Oracle has certified PO 8.0.4 on Win98.

The next problem was to get D2K to connect to oracle. The workaround (which I got from Oracle support) is listed here, and yes it also works. Although D2K (I am using v2.0) is not currently certified on Win 98. Apparently this won't be done until late October. Anyway, here's what Oracle support had to say. Hope it helps you all out:

 Personal Oracle8 is supported against Windows98 with the release of 8.0.4 version. Developer/2000 has not been supported against Windows98. They are in the process of testing and hope to be done by late October.

 Developer/2000 uses SQL*Net and Oracle8 uses Net8. Both components must be installed and configured. However, when Developer is installed a new version of SQL*Net is installed that is not compatible with Oracle8.

 The directions below are to establish a connection between an Oracle 8.0.3 database and Developer/2000 version 2.0. If you do not have this version of the database skip number 3 and continue with the configuration.

 To set up a connection from Developer/2000 2.x to an Oracle8 database you must follow the setup steps below:

  1. Install Oracle8
  2. Install Developer/2000 version 2.x
  3. Re-install the Oracle Installer & SQL*Net
  4. Re-install the Oracle installer from the Oracle8 distribution media (i.e. downloaded files or CD).
  5. REMOVE SQL*Net and the SQL*Net Adaptors
  6. Install SQL*Net and the SQL*Net TCP/IP Adaptor from the Oracle8 distribution media.

 Please Note: You will need to make sure you have the TCP/IP protocol  adaptor installed and configured with a valid IP address for your  Operating system before continuing. If you are not connected to a  network set your IP address to be obtained automatically. If you do  not know how to configure TCP/IP please check with your network  administrator or contact Microsoft for assistance.  

 4. Configure a SQL*Net ALIAS for your Oracle8 database

  2. ADD a database ALIAS.
  3. Name the Database ALIAS anything you would like.
  4. Select TCP/IP as your protocol Adaptor.
  5. Enter 'localhost' for the TCP/IP Host name.
  6. The database Instance will be the same as the database SID, which is ORCL if you are using the default database installed with Oracle8.
  7. Start the listener.
  8. go to a DOS command prompt.
  9. type: lsnrctl80
  10. at the lsnrct prompt type: start
  11. Start up the database
  12. START - PROGRAMS - Oracle8 for NT/95 - Start Database
  13. Start up Developer
  14. START - PROGRAMS - Developer 2000 r2.x - Forms Builder
  15. Connecting to the database from Forms Builder
  17. username - system
  18. Password - manager
  19. Connect String - (enter in the database ALIAS name that you created in step 4c) (David Shi) wrote:

>I also have similar problem. I tried this, but it's not working. I can
>do "connect scott/" in sqlplus 8, but not in
>sqlplus 3.3 and dev/2000. I can use connect string
>"" to connect, but the data sometimes get messed
>The message I got:
>"ORA-12203: TNS: unable to connect to destination"
>On Tue, 6 Oct 1998 10:12:33 +0200, "Erik Oosterling"
><> wrote:
>>Buenas Dias Isaac,
>>The problem is that Dev 2000 uses Net2 connections and PO8 uses Net8
>>The solution is to copy the good TNSNAMES.ORA to the NET8\ADMIN and the
>>NETWORK\ADMIN directory.
>>This may help you
>>Isaac Agudo wrote in message <6v23pf$>...
>>>Hi !!! I've got a Big problem:
>>>In the same computer (Pentium Mmx 200) I 've installed Developer 2000 and
>>>Personal Oracle. I'd Like connect Developer 2000 to Oracle and I tried to
>>>connect to Oracle, but at the moment it was imposible to do it : The RDBMS
>>>give me Back the error message ORA 12222, I don't remember. but the message
>>>is 'Don't driver
>>>interface connected'.
>>>I changed the tnsnames.ora with 'BEQ' protocol and I did it this Because
>>>both aplications are installed in the same computer.
>>>I haven't installed neither net protocol as (Tcp/Ip,Spx/ipx,named Pipes)
>>>(Sqlnet) .
>>>Please Help Me !!!!!!!!
>>>and sorry but my English is very poor.
Received on Sun Oct 11 1998 - 12:12:24 CDT

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