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Re: Oracle Storage Parameters

From: <>
Date: Fri, 09 Oct 1998 17:44:15 GMT
Message-ID: <6vli1f$vr2$>

If you got this book from Oracle Education, On page 9-17 you will see the definitions of the extents. First off, Initial extent is measured in bytes, not blocks. When you create a table and you do not specify the storage parameters, it will use the default storage parameters that are set in the Tablespace belonging to the table. If you set the storage parameters for the table in your CREATE TABLE syntax, then Oracle will use those instead of the default of the Tablespace.

If you create a tablespace and do not specify the default storage parameter, it will default to 10k for the initial extent, 10k for next, and increase of %50, for every extent after that.

Guidelines for creating a Tablespace are: The values for the INITIAL and NEXT are rounded up to the next multiple of the data block size as determined by the initialization parameter DB_BLOCK_SIZE. The first block of the INITIAL extent is considered the segment header block.

Hope it clears things up for you. Good luck in your trails of being a DBA.

Satar Naghshineh

In article <6vktu3$1o$>, wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a new DBA and I have a storage question for anyone who wants to respond.
> I was reading in my Oracle 7 server:  Data Administration Student Guide that
> the inital extent parameter defaults to 5 data blocks.  My question is a
> two-fold question as it relates to the STORAGE clause.  On my system, the
> DB_BLOCK_SIZE = 4k. If you have a small table you want to create, do you
> still have to specify a size for the INITIAL PARAMETER if Oracle will default
> to app. 20k by default (4096 *5).  What sizing takes precedence?  The default
> value or a value you set, for example, 10k.
> Please relieve my confusion
> Thanks,
> Kelly
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Oracle DBA/UNIX System Admin
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