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Re: OWAS 3.0 and HTML Statelessness

From: <>
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 06:10:15 GMT
Message-ID: <6uptk7$9hm$>

In article <6uodbf$jhp$>, wrote:
> Hi there,
> I was hoping I could get some suggestions on how I might go about solving
> this problem. I've been designing an internet application using Oracle
> Application Server 3.0. It deals with customer data, and the modification of
> it. It will work in conjunction with an app on Windows NT, which also
> accesses the same data. Right now, we have a field in the customer data
> table called "In Process." It's just a flag that is set while the customer
> is being accessed by one of the apps. With the NT app, it's simple to check
> and set because you just set it when you open the customer in the app, and
> reset it when you close the customer. We also have a phone app, which is
> what my app is designed after. With the phone app, we just set it when
> call up, and reset it when they hang up. However, with my app, we encounter
> the statelessness of HTML.
> The way I currently designed my app, I check the flag when customers try to
> access one of the functions. If it's not "in process," I allow them to
> continue on. When I am actually doing an update, I set it, do the update,
> then reset it. This allows me to maintain the integrity of the data.
> However, this only just begins to solve my problems. Take this example: The
> customer logs in on my internet app, clicks on "Modify Order," and begins to
> modify one of their orders. While they're doing that, somebody else using
> the NT app accesses the customer and deletes the order. They can do this
> because I haven't set the "In Process" flag. Then, when the person using the
> internet app tries to modify the order, they get an error because it was just
> deleted.

Couldn't you have a flag on the order, that you set at the begining of modification and then have a button asking him(/or her) to confirm all changes, this would then revert the flag to free.

You could , if you wanted have another identical table that you store the changes to and then after confirmation, you could update the order/item table and delete from the temp table. This would force him to confirm to change his order.



order no :001
total    :$250
tax      :$25
etc1     :ship to street adress
etc2     cash on delivery
flag     : mod

set flag to mod

copy order no 001 to order number 001 in table2 which is identical to table1 exept for the flag which you don't need


order no :001
total    :$250
tax      :$25
etc1     :hand delivery
etc2     cash on delivery

etc1 for example is changed to hand delivery. and he basically does all the changes.

then ypu do an update from table2 into table 1 on the same order when he confirms.

and set the flag back to free.

Obviously you will have to take care of all the line items as well in the same manner and do all the calculations.


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