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Re: Oracle questions

From: Sybrand Bakker <>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 19:27:14 +0200
Message-ID: <>

answers in blue

Sybrand Bakker, Oracle DBA wrote:

> Hi! Everybody,
> I am a new DBA. I have a few questions related to Oracle. Please provide
> complete description wherever you can.
> 1. How to install different databases on the same unix/NT server ? How would
> t be defined for individual unix users ? How would I startup/shutdown/backup
> ?
> On Unix, add the new SID to /etc/oratab, run svrmgrl, issue an connect internal
> and issue a create database. Can't provide more detail or I am going to repeat
> the manual
> 2. Can same server have multiple versions of database ? How to install them ?
> yes, but not necessarily recommended because of the fixed overhead of a
> database. If you have different applications you could as well create different
> schemas in the same database, no problem
> What are the steps/ precautions to be taken ? buy enough memory
> (not necessarily a joke. The size of different SGA's - Oracle cache - can
> especially on NT which is already memory consuming, completely exhaust all
> physical memory. 256 Mb on NT is more or less the absolute minimum)
> 3. What are the different steps for sizing of database,table,tablespace,
> indexes ?
> 4. Where to use clusters ?
> Only if you are sure two tables are ALWAYS used in conjunction
> 5. What is the significance of different storage parameters ?
> INITIAL the size an object gets when it is created NEXT the size with which it
> is extended if the first extent gets full
> 6. What is the difference b/w sys and system user ?
> sys is the owner of the data dictionary. system is usually the owner of things
> like the developer 2000 repository, Names repository and so on. Never create
> tables under SYS and avoid creating tables under SYSTEM yourself
> 7. What is the difference b/w parallel query and parallel server ?
> Parallel query: in an SMP situation with multiple processors in one single
> system. PQ will help you distribute the workload. Parallel Server: two systems
> administering one database, disks can be read from both systems
> 8. Could you suggest some site to learn about SQLNET, Backup/recovery, sizing
> ?
> Oracle also has various courses in various forms (CBT, individual, classical
> available)

> Thanx for ur time in advance.
> Regards.
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Received on Wed Sep 23 1998 - 12:27:14 CDT

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