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Re: Values in sequence field during failover

From: <>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 13:19:58 GMT
Message-ID: <6u885t$l55$>

In article <>, (DanHW) wrote:
> >Oracle DBA's:
> >
> >In a high-availability Unix environment, do the values in an Oracle sequence
> >field go crazy when one node fails, and another takes over from it? For
> >example, are duplicate sequence values possible after a failure?
> >
> >Although I am a novice, I have heard that they do, because they are stored in
> >memory until they are written to disk. I heard about one designer who
> had to
> >re-write his application to manually increment the one-up identifiers (keys)
> >for his tables instead of using "sequence."
> >
> >Thank you for your attention.
> >
> >Tom McCready
> >Library of Congress developer
> >
> I don't know if this exactly answers the question, but it has been my
> observation that when the database is shutdown, the cached values are 'used
> up'. For example, you have sequence that starts at 1, with a cache of 20. If
> you shut down, the next value available will be 21, not 2.
> Dan Hekimian-Williams

Sequence values are not replicated between databases. So if a primary and secondary both have a sequence named emp_id_seq and they both start at 1, then you will reuse those sequence numbers on the secondary when it fails-over.

Since sequence numbers are nothing more than a way to generate a unique number, you can have different schemes on each node (to avoid duplicates.)

I use the following approaches:

  1. make one node start at 1 and increment by 2 (i.e. odd numbers) and make the second node start at 2 and increment by 2 (i.e. even numbers)
  2. have one node start at 1 and loop back after some high number (say 999,999,999,999) while the second node starts at 1,000,000,000,000 and loops back after 2,000,000,000,000. I believe sequence number can have 38 significant digits, so there's alot of room to work with.


P.S. As far as caching number, Im sure Oracle handles it well, although you can just turn this feature off when you create the sequence.

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