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Re: Transactions vs Decision support RB seg size

From: David Sisk <>
Date: 1998/03/20
Message-ID: <78mQ.10$>#1/1

Whether everyone uses the schema owner or their own userid is really up to your security requirements. Keep in mind that if people connect as the schema owner, they can drop or truncate tables as well as view them. If you give everyone their own userid (or at least a different one), you can grant only select to that userid.

If you are using Oracle7.3 or above, you can set the rollback segments to unlimited extents, just like tables and indexes. I would suggest, though, that you do put a maximum size limit on the O/S datafiles used by the rollback segment (the biggest file we can back up is 2Gb because of our particular backup solution).

Whether you need a large TEMP tablespace depends on how much memory you have allocated to sort segments. You'll just have to try it and see. Again, you can set a TEMP segment to unlimited extents as well, but you would definitely want to set the O/S datafiles for this tablespace to a reasonable maxsize limit. Otherwise, the datafiles for the TEMP tablespace will grow until they consume all of the drive space available on that particular drive.

Good luck,

Bill Barnard wrote in message <6emtdl$si6$>...
>I have a large amount of data (several million rows) that I want to put
>Oracle (currently in a number of separate dbf files). I know that to put
>data into the data base I'll need some fairly large rollback segments.
>will primarily use this data for decision support and summaries, but will
>typically be using it very little to update. Updates will typically occur
>every couple of months to quarterly and won't involve the entire data base.
>My basic question is, will I need large rollback (or temporary, etc)
>to support mainly joins for select queries, if I'm not doing inserts,
>etc.? I know I'll need them from time to time to support major updates,
>would I be better off using several small rbs and then creating a larger
>from time to time to do the updates?
>Second question. I have the default data base installed and working on an
>box. Do I really need to have a separate user space for each user for this
>same data base or could everyone use DEMO (or another user) to access the
>Thanks in advance.
>Remove the NOBESPAMMIN from email address for email replies.
Received on Fri Mar 20 1998 - 00:00:00 CST

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