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Re: Oracle User license limits

From: Tim Taylor <>
Date: 1998/03/17
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Nigel is correct that the default behavior is to allow as many connections as the hardware will allow. However, there are some initialization parameters that you can set to help with license compliance. I got these from page 1-52 of the Oracle8 Server Reference.

LICENSE_MAX_SESSIONS: specifies the max number of concurrent user sessions. If you set this to 8, the 9th user will receive a message that he cannot log in until someone else logs out. Use this if you bought a concurrent usage license.

LICENSE_MAX_USERS: specifies the maximum number of users that can be created in the instance. This controls the number of physical users (create user scott identified by tiger...) that can be created in the instance. Use this if you bought a named user license.

LICENSE_SESSIONS_WARNING: specifies a threshold above which each additional user receives a warning but is still allowed to connect. If you set this to 8, the 9th user will receive a warning but will be able to log in.

One of LICENSE_MAX_SESSIONS and LICENSE_MAX_USERS should always be zero. In other words, you can't control access on both a named user and a concurrent user basis.

Additionally, the server writes an entry call LICENSE_HIGHWATER_MARK in the trace file. You can use this to analyze concurrent usage over time. Tim

Nigel Rudgyard wrote:

> The oweness is on you to enforce your Oracle licensing agreement - in other
> words, Oracle won't stop you from connecting as mush as you want.
> Tony Desborough wrote in message ...
> >Suppose an organisation has an 8-user license for Oracle Server7. What
> >happens if more then 8 users attempt to connect concurrently? Does
> >Oracle actively prevent this with an error, or allow the users to
> >login anyway ?
> >
> >Thanks in advance
> >Tony
Received on Tue Mar 17 1998 - 00:00:00 CST

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