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Re: Ora8 NT problem

From: Billy Verreynne <>
Date: 1998/03/09
Message-ID: <6e2kmr$l2u$>#1/1

Joel Garry wrote in message <6e1k2m$eli$>...

>I didn't say you could. Either you created a control file from a 'backup
>controlfile from trace', or you used a control file from before the system
>disk crash. If the former, and you correctly modified the controlfile
>creation script to reflect the new data file names, then you should
>to oracle (and here) that it should handle this situation. If the latter,
>it's amazing oracle got as far as it did.

Hmm.. I just re-created the controlfile using a create control file statement and specifying all the data filenames. So I've should have done a nomount, backup the controlfile to trace and then re-created it from the trace after changing the drive letters of the datafiles?

This is basically what I've done, except for creating the controlfile manually. I'm sure I had the files in the right sequence. I did talk to a DBA here, asking for advice - she said that what I tried to do sounded correct. But I can re-create the situation and try again, this time using the original control file instead.

The question basically is - if you loose your control file in a crash and you have to recover the database on a different drive without a controlfile, what is the recovery sequence?

>It's also possible you were doing something tricky to try to get the drives
>to appear to be lettered correctly. I've seen dual-boot 95/NT machines get
>hopelessly muddled over this, independent of any particular apps.

On NT you can dynamically change any drive letter and the change is applied immediately by the o/s. What happened in my case is that after re-installing the NT boot disk, the other drives and partitions were differently lettered than before the crash. So instead of simple re-lettering the drives I decided I need some practice in recovering a database... :-)

Billy Received on Mon Mar 09 1998 - 00:00:00 CST

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