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Re: Ora8 NT problem

From: Joel Garry <>
Date: 1998/03/06
Message-ID: <6dq7nm$7e8$>#1/1

In article <6dojto$ds8$>, Billy Verreynne <> wrote:
>I ran into a problem on development box at home a month ago. Hopefully
>someone here can tell me what I did wrong?
>I had a bootdisk crash. After getting a new disk and re-installing NT 4 and
>Oracle 8, I first did a full backup of all the files of my Ora8 db (the
>datafiles, controlfiles, redo and archive logs were not on the crashed
>bootdisk) to another drive.
>Next I tried to get the database up - only problem was that with my
>installing the new bootdisk and NT, the rest of the disks were now named
>differently. The Oracle datafiles which used to be on drive E: and were now
>on drive F:
>Not a problem I though, re-create the control file. So I recreated the
>control file and tried opening the database. Then Oracle complained that the
>system tablespace was stuffed and needed to be restored. So I tried to
>recover it, but no luck - it was looking for log 145 and my last log was
>only at 144!
>After a lot of struggling I decided to hell with this and rename the drive
>letter for the data disk back to E: And then without having to do anything
>special, the database came up with a normal startup command.
>The alert logfile also contained some funnies I though. When I tried to
>bring up the database on drive F: with the new controlfile, the alertlog
>said that -all- the datafiles were fuzzy. And of course, server manager
>insisted on the system tablespace being recovered. Why is this? I was under
>the impression that when you re-create a control file, it will be in sync
>with the datafiles. And there was nothing wrong with the datafiles as the db
>came up without any hassles when I changed drive F: back to E:
>I can re-create the whole problem and then try it again setting the trace
>levels on for dumping the file headers of the datafiles and look at the
>SCN's and other weird stuff, but that is a bit extreme - surely an Ora8 db
>should easily be recoverable in this situation.
>Any idea where I went wrong?

First of all, NT.

But seriously, you created the controlfile before recovering the db. See "Roll Forward" in the Oracle Press Backup book - you probably completely confused Oracle as to which checkpoint SCN's were looked at.


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Received on Fri Mar 06 1998 - 00:00:00 CST

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