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Re: ORA 1578 error, any suggestions?

From: John P. Higgins <>
Date: 1997/09/28
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Be sure to re-enable archiving after the client copy and then shut down for a full cold backup.
Yes, you could do a full hot backup if you can stand the small risk of restoring to the end-of-archiving and repeating the client copy as well as any user input. If you make it through the hot backup without a disk crash, you're OK.

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>Jason Berryhill wrote:
> ORACLEites:
> We had an ORA 1578 error which is a bad block error. We run SAP on top
> of our 7.3.2.x Oracle instance. We were running a client copy and
> forgot to turn archivemode to off. We believe that what happend is that
> a write error occurred at some point in the client copy process and that
> when Oracle's PMON process tried to fix it by copying the block from the
> redo logs, that the redo log necessary was already written to the
> archive filesystem or even moved to tape (which was done by us during
> the client copy process).
> The other possibility is that this error was caused by an action that
> filled our redo logs (client copy again) and we only need to run the
> client copy when not in Archivelog mode.
> Any suggestions on which it really is?
> We are attempting to fix this by rolling back to before the client copy
> process and then trying it again with archivemode turned off.
> Has anyone had any experience with this sort of problem before? If so,
> any information would be extremely appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
> P.S. While we have a strategy in place, any 'sanity check' you might
> want
> to provide for us would also be helpful
> Jason Berryhill
> ====================================================================
> =Web Site: =
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> =SAP R/3 BASIS Support / DBA - Data and Storage Management Emphasis=
> =College of Business =
> =California State University, Chico =
> = =
> = And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the =
> =treasury. And He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two =
> =mites. So He said, "Truly I say to you that this poor widow has =
> =put in more than all; =
> = For all these out of their abundance have =
> =put in offerings to God, but she out of her poverty put in all =
> =the livelihood that she had." =
> ====================================================================

John P. Higgins      Voice:    (309)765-7868
Deere & Company      Fax:      (309)765-7800
John Deere Road      Internet:
Moline, IL 61265     Opinions: My Own
Received on Sun Sep 28 1997 - 00:00:00 CDT

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