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Re: Help! Multiple Instances on one Host

From: Ian Cary <>
Date: 1997/09/26
Message-ID: <>#1/1

> I want at least two differenct databases running simultaneoulsy, but I
> don't know how to get them to run because svrmgrl tells me that oracle
> is already running and to shut it down before I can start another one.

Hi again,

I'll assume from your earlier earlier postings that you have succesfully managed to create one instance and should therefore have an init<SID>.ora directory in your $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory. Hopefully you will also have a database creation script, if not you will have to create your database manually as before.

Essentially you will have to do the follwing things (I will also assume that the versions of Oracle software are to be the same

  1. set ORACLE_SID to be the name of your new instance.
  2. edit init<SID>.ora to ensure that the files specified by control_files are changed (also log_archive_dest + log_archive_format if set). The best way to make this easier for yourself is to adopt a naming covention (for ALL files not just those referred to in init.ora) which includes the SID name. This way (as long as the value of SID is sensible) a simple global edit should safely make all the changes you require. Also the line specifying private rollback segments (rollback_segments = ... ) will have to be commented out (you don't have any until you create them!) Once all the edits have been done save the file as $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init<new_SID>.ora
  3. You should now be able to log into svrmgrl (or SQL*DBA pre 7.3) and create your database. I want go into detail about this as I assume you have done it already (You can email me for more advice if you need it). I will stress once again that all the datafile names need to be DIFFERENT from those in your existing instance otherwise you will end up trashing that one.
  4. Once you have done this you need to re-instate the rollback_segment = .. line in the init.ora file to point to the rollback segements you have created in the new database and re-start the instance.

Best of Luck,


3. Received on Fri Sep 26 1997 - 00:00:00 CDT

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