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Re: 300 users on NT Intel?

From: Ian Sparkes <>
Date: 1997/09/24
Message-ID: <60bkit$hi$>#1/1

 It entirely depends on the usage patterns of your application. Typically the limiting factor on Intel NT machines is not CPU, Memory or I/O as these items are fixable by planning an appropriate configuration, the problems come in the serious limitation in the bandwidth of the system bus. This controls the rate which data can be moved between memory on the CPU and compared to a Solaris system it is a very low value. I believe on a 200MHz Pentium Pro the system bus runs at 66MHz.

A symptom of this would be a well tuned system with is running a bunch of reports/screens with little or no I/O occurring. On a UNIX system (not Intel based) at this point you would typically see the CPU maxed out for a short period (or long period in some cases). On an Intel machine the CPU utilization would (in this case) be much lower as the are times when it just can't get data fast enough.

François Paré wrote in article <>...

>We are currently running small production administrative applications
>(60 concurrent users) on SUN Solaris and we're going to add more users
>in a couple of months to reach about 300 concurrent users. We are
>presently considering a move from Solaris to NT and I want to know if
>Windows NT on an Intel server can satisfy such a workload. The server I
>think about is something like a Compaq Proliant 7000 with a couple of
>gigabytes RAM, 2 to 4 Pentium PRO 200Mhz and about 16 Wide-ultra SCSI
>disks connected by 2 two-channnel RAID controllers.
>Is there a site who actually supports about 300 concurrent Oracle users
>(administrative tasks profiles) on a Windows NT Intel system?
Received on Wed Sep 24 1997 - 00:00:00 CDT

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