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Re: Oracle Technical Bulletin - Help!

From: Thomas Kyte <>
Date: 1997/09/20
Message-ID: <3424cbd7.108507165@newshost>#1/1

On Sat, 20 Sep 1997 04:21:29 -0600, wrote:

>Would someone please help me or Srini( )
>to get hold of Oracle Technical Bulletin Ref: 104296.626.
>The Oracle site / support desk is of little help and the doc
>just doesn't seem to be available anywhere else...
>Thanks in advance.
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Here you go. Frankly there is more/better information on this in the SQL Language Reference manual. this begins on page 3-67 of the 7.3 doc Oracle7 Server SQL Reference.

     Document ID:             104296.626
     Title:                   Century Date Format under Oracle7
     Creation Date:           1 October 1992
     Last Revision Date:      16 November 1993
     Revision Number:         1
     Category:                ORACLE 7
     Product:                 GENERIC
     Product Version:         ORACLE 7
     Platform:                GENERIC
     Information Type:        ADVISORY
     Impact:                  MEDIUM
     Abstract:                This article describes the use of a new date
                              format provided with Oracle7.  This format,
                              RR, allows the application programmer to
                              override the default century of '19'.

     Keywords:                SQL;PLUS;DATE;CENTURY;FORMAT;O7;YEAR;DEFAULT

Oracle7 provides for the turn of the century with a new date format called RR. The RR date format element is very similar to the YY date format element except in that it stores date values of other centuries by making assumptions about the intended date based on the last two digits of the date format. The following describes the date returned by the RR format, based on the current year and the year specified by the user:  

                        RR Date Format
    Current Year        Two Digit Year     Year RR Format
    Last Two Digits       Specified            Returns
    ---------------     --------------     ----------------
         0-49                0-49          Current Century
        50-99                0-49          One Century after current
         0-49               50-99          One Century before current
        50-99               50-99          Current Century

For example, since the current year is 1993, dates entered between 50 and 99 will be assumed to be within the 20th century, and dates entered between 0 and 49 will be assumed to be within the 21st century. When operating in the year 2001, the same rules apply; dates entered between 50 and 99 will be assumed to be within the 20th century, and dates entered between 0 and 49 will be assumed to be within the 21st century.  

Here is an example of the RR usage:  

    SQL> INSERT INTO emp (empno, deptno,hiredate) VALUES       2 (9999, 20, TO_DATE('01-jan-03', 'DD-MON-RR'));  

    1 row created.  

    SQL> INSERT INTO emp (empno, deptno,hiredate) VALUES       2 (8888, 20, TO_DATE('01-jan-67', 'DD-MON-RR'));  

    1 row created.    

    SQL> SELECT empno, deptno,

      2     TO_CHAR(hiredate, 'DD-MON-YYYY') hiredate
      3     FROM emp;
               EMPNO     DEPTNO  HIREDATE
          ---------- ----------  -----------
                8888         20  01-JAN-1967
                9999         20  01-JAN-2003

Thomas Kyte
Oracle Government
Bethesda MD -- downloadable utilities

Opinions are mine and do not necessarily reflect those of Oracle Corporation Received on Sat Sep 20 1997 - 00:00:00 CDT

Original text of this message