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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Performance differences, BLOB vs LONG RAW
DA Morgan <> wrote in message news:<1108998931.908925_at_yasure>...
> I don't know if it is expected because I don't know what version you
> are using or what you are storing. I've not seen enough of a delta
> to make me investigate further.
I'm using Oracle 10g on Windows 2000. Oracle ODBC driver I've spent a few minutes today settings up a simple test. I have two tables JUNK1 and JUNK2.
JUNK1 contains;
JUNK2 contains
Apart from the different data type for COL3, both tables are
identical. I have listed below a bit of code which uses ADO to insert
20000 rows. For JUNK1 this runs in about 31 seconds. If I change the
command string so it inserts into JUNK2 the time is around 15 seconds.
I've tried the same thing using a recordset to do the insert and have
seen similar difference in performance.
Any ideas?
_ConnectionPtr pConnection = NULL; _CommandPtr pCommand1 = NULL; _CommandPtr pCommand2 = NULL; ParametersPtr pParameters = NULL; _variant_t vtEmpty (DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND, VT_ERROR); HRESULT hr = CoInitialize (NULL); pConnection.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Connection)); hr = pConnection->Open(bstrConnectionString,"","", adConnectUnspecified); CheckHR(hr); // Create the command hr = pCommand1.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Command)); pCommand1->putref_ActiveConnection(pConnection); hr = pCommand1->put_CommandText(_bstr_t(_T("INSERT INTO DBO.JUNK1 (COL1, COL2, COL3) VALUES(?,?,?)"))); hr = pCommand1->put_CommandType(adCmdText); hr = pCommand1->get_Parameters(&pParameters); long lTrans = pConnection->BeginTrans(); const int nBatchSize = 1000; // Do 20000 inserts for (int n = 0; n < 20000; n++) { VARIANT varEmpty; varEmpty.vt = VT_NULL; // Put some dummy data into the first two columns _ParameterPtr pParam; hr = pParameters->get_Item(variant_t(0l), &pParam); //col1 hr = pParam->put_Value(variant_t(long(n))); hr = pParameters->get_Item(variant_t(1l), &pParam); // col2 hr = pParam->put_Value(variant_t(long(666))); // Put some dummy data into the binary data column const int nBlobSize = 200; // number of bytes VARIANT vBlob; vBlob.vt = VT_ARRAY|VT_UI1; vBlob.parray = ::SafeArrayCreateVector(VT_UI1, 0, nBlobSize); BYTE* pArrayData = NULL; hr = ::SafeArrayAccessData(vBlob.parray, (void**) &pArrayData); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { memset(pArrayData, n, nBlobSize); ::SafeArrayUnaccessData(vBlob.parray); } hr = pParameters->get_Item(variant_t(2l), &pParam); // col3 hr = pParam->put_Value(vBlob);//); varEmpty// variant_t vtRecordsAffected; VariantInit(&vtRecordsAffected); long lOptions = adExecuteNoRecords; hr = pCommand1->Execute(&vtRecordsAffected, &vtEmpty, lOptions); ::SafeArrayDestroy(vBlob.parray); if (!(n % nBatchSize)) { hr = pConnection->CommitTrans(); lTrans = pConnection->BeginTrans(); } } hr = pConnection->CommitTrans();Received on Thu Feb 24 2005 - 09:10:33 CST