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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: A question about update and insert/delete
>> We have found out that a single update with a single WHERE clause
(the table is indexed according to the Column given in where clause),
takes more time compared to a DELETE + INSERT statement.
... <<
if you have a table
create table a(pk number not null primary key, cv varchar2(100));
that is originally populated with narrow rows, PKs only
insert into a values(1, null);
insert into a values(2, null);
insert into a values(1000, null);
anf then you start inflating each and every row: update a set cv='very very very long string';
such an update could take much longer than delete+insert, that's normal. Received on Fri Feb 04 2005 - 09:36:35 CST