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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Konada.Db IS PURE SPAM (Martin Burbridge) wrote in message > >
> Which part of this do open source people have trouble understanding.
This thread originated when someone (Daniel Morgan) added a message about Konica.Db to his SPAM black list. In recent weeks, he has objected to several messages posting URLs for downloading software, one for a white paper, and two for resource sites that publish articles.
Let's break this down:
He called the messages "spam" although his assertion does not agree with the net abuse guidelines cited in my earlier message (20 newsgroups or multiple postings to the same newsgroup in a brief period).
The charter says is a news group "provided for commercially oriented topics ...". There is no fee to download the white paper or subscription to read the contents of the resource sites.
2. No business transacted, no repetitive posting: wrong about the white paper and resource sites.
Of the URLs for downloading software, two were for commercial software.
3. Software for sale: He was correct in stating they belonged in c.d.o.marketplace.
The majority of the URLs for software downloads were for free or open source software. Poll 100 people who know what free software and open software are. Ask them "Is it commercial or non-commercial software?"
4. Not promoting a commercial product, not repetitive: wrong again.
You're implying a message about a non-commercial software library belongs in a "marketplace" newsgroup for "commercially oriented topics". That's Orwellian newspeak. Received on Mon Apr 26 2004 - 17:06:21 CDT