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Re: Oracle 8.1.7 release 3 for linux installation disks query

From: Alex Hudghton <alex_at_alenda.NOSPAM!>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 14:23:53 GMT
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 19 Feb 2001 10:02:43 -0700, "al banegas" <> wrote:

>We have the same problem with AIX 4.3 and 8.1.7. Installer is asking for the
>second cd but the first cd has the device busy. I'd like to know a way
>around this. TIA


As I'm about to do this I asked Oracle Support - the answer is below


Doc ID: Note:120801.1
Subject: ALERT: Cannot Mount Second CD During 8.1.7 Installation Type: ALERT
 Content Type: TEXT/PLAIN
Creation Date: 27-SEP-2000
Last Revision Date: 09-OCT-2000
Language: USAENG  


Versions Affected

Oracle 8.1.7 Enterprise Edition. However, any product which requires multiple CD's to complete installation may encounter the problem.  

Platforms Affected

GENERIC - All UNIX platforms



When installing an Oracle product that requires multiple CDs, it may be difficult to unmount the first CD when prompted to mount the second

or the installer may not recognize the cdrom mount point.  

Likelihood of Occurrence


This is very common when multiple CD's are needed for installation

Possible Symptoms

When it is time to mount the second installation CD a message box similar to the following appears:


    Please insert Oracle8i disk 2 into your disk drive or supply     an alternative location

      Path:  /cdrom/oracle8i#1
					<Browse>  <OK>  <Cancel>


Problem #1

"Device busy" messages when attempting to unmount/eject the preceding CD of the product set.  

Problem #2 - Affects only platforms which automount the CD

After ejecting the first CD, mounting the second, and selecting 'OK' in the dialog box, the dialog box displays again as if the CD was not changed.


To avoid having to switch between CDs, copy the contents of each CD to the
hard drive and run the Installer from the new location. Copy the contents of
each CD in the directory structure as follows:

     Disk1/<Contents of CD #1>

     Disk2/<Contents of CD #2>

If the contents of each CD are copied into this structure on the hard drive,
Oracle Universal Installer automatically finds the contents of each CD and
does not prompt for the location of either CD during the course of installation.

For Problem #1

Return to the session/window where the installer was launched. You may
not have a prompt even though the installer launches as a background job.
Press the Return key once or twice to get a prompt. Change directory to a location other than the CD mount point, for example 'cd /tmp'.

You should now be able to 'umount' or 'eject' the CD.


A file system cannot be unmounted when it's still in use by a process. Because
the installer was started in the window in which the current working directory
was the cdrom mount point, the OS will not release the mount point because it
thinks you are still accessing the cdrom. The workaround is to make sure your
current working directory is not the cdrom. See note 1016761.6 for more information.

For Problem #2

When the CD is automounted, it's mount point contains the volume label of the CD. For example when CD one is mounted, the mount point may be /cdrom/oracle8i#1. When CD two is mounted, the mount point may change to /cdrom/oracle8i#2. In this situation it will also be necessary to change the CD path when prompted by the installer.

Use the 'mount' command without any options to display currently mounted filesystems. The first column will show the mount point. Locate the cdrom mount point and then use this information to correct the Path specified in the dialog box. Select OK and the install will proceed.

When the cdrom is automounted the mount point may not be the same name as when
the 1st cdrom was mounted. The Oracle installer expects the mount point to
remain the same as when the 1st cdrom was used. By using the "mount" command
you can determine the correct mount point and supply it to the installer.




                                                      Oracle Support

 Copyright (c) 1995,2000 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices and Terms of Use. Received on Wed Feb 21 2001 - 08:23:53 CST

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