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FW: use triggers to enforce interigity

From: Saleem, Naeem <>
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 1999 15:07:56 -0000
Message-ID: <>

-----Original Message-----
From: Saleem, Naeem
Sent: 07 December 1999 14:58
To: ''; '' Cc: ''
Subject: RE: use triggers to enforce interigity


GET A LIFE! Solving problems like this is all about initiative, i.e. using all resources available.

Jingyan is not asking you to do his home work but merely asking for some help on a specific problem.....having first made a very good attempt at it himself.

In just the same way as we would post a problem on the does not mean that we are getting someone else to do our work for us......

He is not going to learn any less by us helping/guiding him with this problem.

I say good luck to him for showing resourcefulness and application.


I would be more then happy to try and guide you in the right direction...if you can explain to me the exact error you have......from what I have seen of your code so far it appears to me that you may have some unhandled exceptions and hence you will need to cater for these with "When others" or "When no_data_found".....


-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Shein [] Sent: 29 November 1999 19:51
To: Subject: Re: use triggers to enforce interigity

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If _you_ can figure everything out _you_ will be an expert. So, start figuring. The longest journey begins with but a single step. Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats always.

We've all been there (learning by "fire"), and even without mentioning that a particular problem is a homework assignment, we can usually spot them.

General advice- usually, the assignment is closely related to what was just taught or read, so it is often easy to refer back to the most recent classroom examples or book examples to find a similar problem that merely needs some additional thought and modification. Your professor is not going to give you something you can't do alone. Also, don't be afraid to ask the professor for help. They are usually happy to offer a hint if you can show you thought about it and are stuck. If the professor does not wish to offer a hint, it is often because the problem is easier than you thought (which is a hint in itself), or you haven't thought about it enough. I suspect that if you first try to solve it, and still need help, you could post your _work_ here and get some advice to steer you in the right direction.

And to twist another saying...

May you have interesting assignments.

Jingyan <> wrote in message news:smA04.1696$
> If I can figure everything out, I will be an expert, not a student.
> Jingyan
> Kevin O'Gorman wrote in message
> <>...
> >Jingyan wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >> My homework assignment is to use triggers to enforce integrity.
> >> I have student(student_id, student_name),
> >> and studentCourse(student_id, course_id) tables. each table has a
> trigger.
> >> in the trigger of student table, when the student_id is updated, the
> >> student_id in studentCourse is updated too. the trigger in
> >> check if new student_id that will be set in the studentCourse has
> in
> >> the student table. if not, the trigger will be raise a error and give
> the
> >> updating.
> >> But when I update the student_id of student table, I got error. I guess
> >> should not use my approach to enforce integrity. How to enforce them?
> >>
> >> Thank a lot,
> >>
> >> Jingyan Xu
> >
> >I hope nobody needs reminding not to do someone else's homework. This
> >student
> >will learn more by thinking it through.
> >
> >
> >--
> >Kevin O'Gorman (805) 650-6274
> >At school:
> >Permanent e-mail forwarder: Kevin.O'
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