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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: how to configure my database or server to be case-insensitive
I looked at the different responses you got and came up with combined idea. Here it is -
eg:- original table EMP_SALARY modifiedtable EMP_SALARY
name char(20) name char(20) salary number(10) salary number(10)
name_upper char(20)
2. Create an insert/update trigger which also inserts/updates the extra column with only uppercase
value of the original column (the original column gets the initially inserted value).
3. When doing a query do it against the extra column. But if the value of that column has to be pulled out,
pull out the original column.
eg:- select name, salary from EMP_SALARY where name_upper = upper('John');
Rick Lin wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there anyway to configure my database or server to be case-insensitive?
> In other words, I would like my database or server to ignore case while
> doing
> text literal comparsion in all SQL statements. For example, the following
> criteria in where clause will return the same result:
> SELECT * FROM user_table WHERE use_name= 'john'
> SELECT * FROM user_table WHERE use_name= 'John'
> SELECT * FROM user_table WHERE use_name= 'JOHN'
> SELECT * FROM user_table WHERE use_name= 'jOhn'
> Thanks,
> Rick Lin
> Diffusion, Inc.
Received on Wed Oct 28 1998 - 00:00:00 CST