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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Removing "Warning: Applet window"
An EASY (and therefore un Oracle solution) would be to turn off tooltips for the defaullt toolbar, then you would at least be able to have nothing displaying instead of the annoying applet sign. Of course, D2K provides no method of performing this ELEMENTARY task.
Mark Fisher wrote in message <711rq7$234$>...
>Chan Zhan Wei wrote in message <>...
>>Are you accessing the Oracle Database from an applet ?
>I'm using JInitiator. To register it, as others have pointed
>out, you need to certify it, and there is a script called
>"certs.bat" in the bin dir of the distribution which does
>this for you.
>Mark Fisher
>Technical Specialist
>Britannic Assurance
Received on Tue Oct 27 1998 - 00:00:00 CST