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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> PL/SQL tables and Oracle Web Server 2.1 ?
Here is my pb:
I am developing a web application using Oracle Web Server 2.1 and PL/SQL
procedures and packages.
The application starts with a form that the user fills and then submits.
A PL/SQL procedure is then executed and a PL/SQL cursor calculates all
the results and put them into a global table (a few tables in fact,
since a PL/SQL table can only contain one column). I need to do like
that because:
- i display the results page by page (each page containing N results),
with "Previous" and "Next" buttons to go back and forth
- requests can be very long...
So if i restart the cursor each time the user clicks on the button
"previous" or "next", he will get mad waiting for the results after only
2 or 3 pages !
The pb is that there is no idea of a web session with OWS 2.1... i guess
it is implemented in OWS 3.x but we have not planned to upgrade it for
now. So the tables containing the results of the cursor empty each time
the server returns a page to the user ! So as soon as the user gets the
page of the N first results, the button "Next" doesn't work since the
tables have just been emptied !
And i cannot pass the tables as parameters to my procedure because they
are really huge...
If you have any idea to help me resolving my pb, i would appreciate very
thanks, Stephane.
Please, answer me by email: Received on Tue Oct 27 1998 - 09:44:04 CST