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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: SQL to_date problem
>I have 2 querys:
> and ba_erkezes=to_date('1998/09','YYYY/MM');
> and to_char(ba_erkezes,'YYYY/MM')='1998/09';
The time is also included in the date. So if you create a record with SYSDATE, the time is also important in your comparison.
>(I don't want to use the 2nd, because it does not use my index, and the bma
>has 80000 rows...)
That isn't large ;-)
Since the query above doesn't use the index either, you could:
and ba_erkezes between to_date('19980901000000', 'yyyymmddhh24miss') and to_date('19980930235959','yyyymmddhh24miss')
If your query always uses the last month, you better use the index in descending order. It will speed up your queries!
select /*+ INDEX_DESC(<the name of your index>) */ *
from my_table
where ba_erkezes = ....