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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Help with Blob locators and OCIBind statements
Hi everybody!
I need your help! I'm trying to select a blob locator from an Oracle8 database via OCI functions.
First, I allocate the blob locator. Second, I prepare my query which look like:
select lexicon into :blob1 from name list where user id :userid for update; Third, I declare my OCIBind pointers. Fourth, I call the OCIBindByName functions. The userid seems works but not the blob. Here's the statement: (The bindByName is only a layer over the OCIBindByName function)
ENV->bindByName(&bnd2,":blob1", &blob1, sizeof(blob1),SQLT BLOB)
Do you see something wrong?? ":blob1" is the name, &blob1 the locator, and then the size.
Should I use 1 select by blob locator? Did somebody ever heard about a problem that was caused by a select containing 3 blob locators?
Another question is does OCI functions are known to bug when they are used with structures. What I mean is that we were using a structure containing our blob locators and I want to know if this is not recommended or if it doesn't work? I wasn't able to make it work.
Thanks for your precious help!
Have a nice day!
Francois Couderc