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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Help with ORA-03127 Error from Visual C++
I am trying to retrieve data from an oracle data base using a visual C++ Recordset. I get the following error: ORA-03127:no new operations allowed until the active operation ends.
I connect to the database with no problem. The error occurs when I open the first (and only) Recordset in my application.
When the apps starts I connect to my database as follows:
db.Open(0, FALSE, FALSE,
"ODBC;DSN=oracle;UID=dp30;PWD=dp30;DBQ=oracle;DBA=W", TRUE );
db is a global varaible defines as type CDatabase.
When I open a window I call a function in a class derived from CRecordSet. This function retrieves data and puts it in a list control but the problem occurs while opening the recordset. The records set is declared and opened as follows.
CCustRecSet RS(&db); RS.Open(CRecordset::snapshot) ;
The Open statement causes the error.
When I use the debugger I see the code steps from the open statement to the CATCHALL portion of AfxCallWndProc in WINCORE.cpp. The program never returns to the function from witch Open was called.
I can find very little documentation on this error. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Don chambers_at_inquiregroup.comReceived on Tue Oct 20 1998 - 00:00:00 CDT