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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Net 8 assistant and MS oracle ODBC gives ORA-01019 error. Oracle
As part of a demonstration, I deinstalled Oracle 8 and reinstalled it. However, thereafter we got two strange occurances.
First, when we run the Net8 assistant, we get the message:
"Comment information has been detected in you rnetwork Configuration files
which may be lost or repositioned when you save your Network Configuration.,
Do you wish to continue?"
Try as I might, I can't find what the heck it's talking about.
Also, when I try to test the service name I created, I get the following message from Net8 assitant:
"The test did not succeed. Error while rying to retrieve text for error
Oracle docs say this is a memory allocation error on the client side (we'
using NT 4.0). I don't have direct control over the application heap, but I
did have plenty of virtual memory to spare.
We can connect to the corresponding ODBC source OK with no error messages, using Oracle's own drivers.
Finally, this just in: the application developer installed their software on the computer in question, including Microsoft's Oracle 8 driver. It gets the same ORA-01019 message when it attempts to access the same data source via the MSoft driver.
Any thoughts.? Received on Mon Oct 19 1998 - 00:00:00 CDT