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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Invitation: International Conference on future "SQL Server Database" engine
You are invited to participate in standardizing the internal source
code base of ANSI/ISO SQL server engine. Since there is ONLY ONE
international standard for SQL (ISO SQL), it makes sense to have
only source code of the SQL server engine. Benefits are faster
development of features, more reliability and less confusion.
Microsoft, Oracle, Sybase and Informix must work together on a
common open source code SQL server like PostgreSQL and should
sell technical support instead of selling software binaries!
A conference on internet will really help shape and direct the future of SQL Server Engine.
I had written a howto doc to accomplish this task. It is at
And mirrors sites are at :- Other mirror sites near you can be found at a site and go to directory /LDP/HOWTO/PostgreSQL-HOWTO.html
PostgreSQL is developed by 45,000 Universities/Institutes world-wide and
millions of companies world-wide. (In US alone there are
10,000 universities/technical institutes)
Not all the chapters in the howto doc are technical. There is a chapter 25 in howto, which may interest the Business Managers, who most of the time deal with $$$$$$$$s. Unlike Business managers techies are more interested in leading edge technologies. U.S businesses are paying too much of taxes, about 60% of net. Chapter 25 helps you on how to avoid this 60% taxes. Total SQL server database market is about $20 billion dollars per anum, of which 12 billion are gone in taxes! Watch out IRS is coming from behind.
Suggestions - Email me at
Received on Mon Oct 19 1998 - 16:48:08 CDT