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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Help: Sql query to get table names + descriptions
Greetings. I've been scanning the newsgroup and while I've seen similar posts haven't seen any answers. Apologies if I've missed something.
Here's my problem: I want to be able to make straight SQL calls (not sql plus ie "describe") to get not only the available tables, but to also get a description of the tables.
I've seen references to ALL_TABLES, and USER_TABLES, but haven't understood how to get at those, much less get a description of the table structure from them.
I'm running Oracle 7.3.3 on solaris.
Summary: How to I get a list of available tables?
How do I get the table structure for a table (similar to SQLPlus "describe table_name")?
Sujay S.
Received on Mon Oct 19 1998 - 13:25:07 CDT