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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Could an oracle user (not admin) create a database?
Unlike some other DBMSs, Oracle has no overall subsystem -- each database is a
complete entity unto itself. Thus, as far as the database is concerned, until
it is created, there is no administrator. The admin rights required to create
a database are OS rights to create files.
That said, I don't think you really want to create your own databases just because you don't want to go to the DBA. He does a lot more for you than simply hold the keys to running a quick CREATE DATABASE script. He's also responsible for implementing a proper backup/recovery strategy, for actually performing database recovery in event of lost data, working with or being the network guy to insure client connectivity, dasd management, placement of DB components to insure optimum performance, constant monitoring for performance degradation and remediation of said degradation . . . in short, it is itself a full-time job with a highly specialized skill set. There's a very good reason for having a DBA. Think twice before you decide you can bypass him.
Ed Stevens
Nissan Motor Mfg. Corp., USA
In article <>, wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm new in oracle, so please excuse me if this question is too simple
> for you. I'm tired of visiting our oracle server admin when there's
> another database to create. May I create databases on myself? Is the
> oracle admin able to give me the rights to create a new database? What
> does he have to do?
> Thanks.
> Matthias Scheerer
> Please remove the nospam anwering by e-mail
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