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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Triggers to Create Script Files.
Dear Netters,
My objective is create a trigger attached to a table so that i get a script file when changes are made to the table. this script file should not be erased.. but should be appended when changes are made.
I will deliver a table to my customer in January. after that i will be making changes to the table. the customer might be making an equal amount of changes. 6 months later, i want to give only the changes to made to my table to the customer or share some changes made by the customer.
So, if i can write a trigger that will write out the changes in the follow format to an ASCII file:
DELETE from ....
your thoughts will be greatly appreciated.
you can reach me at
with regards
-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own Received on Wed Oct 14 1998 - 00:00:00 CDT