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I have 4 databases now,
2 databases are Oracle 7.3 and the other 2 are Oracle 8.0.3.
Lately I tried to create database link between 4 databases
and had some problems:
My connect strings are:
ora180: Oracle 7.3.3 on NT4.0
ora200: Oracle 7.3.2 on Netware4.10
ora26 and ora23: Oracle 8.0.3 on NT4.0
With SQL*Plus,I can connect to the 4 databases normally
and do any SQL satements.
1.I connect with ora200 and create a db_link named
Then do the select statement:
select * from dba_users_at_ora180;
It works properly.
2.I connect with ora200 and create a db_link named
Do : select * from dbs_users_at_ora23;
But response:
ORA-12154: TNS could not resolve service name;
3.I connect with ora26 and create a db_link named
Do : select * from dbs_users_at_ora23;
But response:
ORA-02085: database link connects to
4.I connect with ora26 and create a db_link named
Do : select * from dbs_users_at_ora200;
But response:
ORA-02019: connection description for remote database not found.
Only the first db_link between Oracle7 to Oracle7 works. Could you help me for these error messages? Thank you so much.
Received on Tue Oct 13 1998 - 21:06:19 CDT