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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> How to Read LONG/VARCHAR2(2000) from VB5
I am needing to read a LONG datatype from VB5. I am using Microsoft's
Oracle Driver 1.0 and do not want to get into the complexity of using ADO
(because of the installation setup wizard issues) or licensing and such
with Oracle Objects. I have tested a column with a VARCHAR(2000) type
thinking that it may work - but didn't. The GetChunk/AppendChunk methods
don't seem to work with ODBCDirect with the MSOracle driver 1.0. HAS
ANYBODY ATTEMPTED THIS BEFORE and succeeded? My last resort would be to
create a seperate table with a column of about 100 byte length (one-to-many
relationship to the primary table). However, this would be a big hassle in
conversion and coding.
Thanks in advance,
Received on Tue Oct 13 1998 - 17:27:12 CDT