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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Storing executable files
On Mon, 12 Oct 1998 01:10:58 +0800, "Huey Yann"
<> wrote:
>How do I store an executable file into the database?
>If I manage to store it, how do I run it from the client?
>The executable file is in my PC and the database is on the Unix.
>We have Oracle 7.3.2 and Oracle 8 running.
You can store the binary executable (and any associated files, e.g., DLL's) as binary objects in the database, i.e., BLOBs.
To actually run this, you would need to read it out of the database and onto some filesystem (either local or remote) where your operating system can then load the executable.
>Thank you.
Joel R. Kallman Oracle Government, Education, & Health
Columbus, OH