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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Orace PARAMETERS
I wi be highly grateful to U if U can carify the below parameters. I need to create a new database :
>> Why we do "nomount" here rather than MOUNT or OPEN, what is the difference
between them.
create database "CC1"
maxinstances 1
maxlogfiles 16
character set "US7ASCII"
'/db01/oracle/CC1/sys01.dbf' size 20M reuse logfile
'/db05/oracle/CC1/redo01CC1.dbf' size 2M reuse, '/db05/oracle/CC1/redo02CC1.dbf' size 2M reuse, '/db05/oracle/CC1/redo03CC1.dbf' size 2M reuse;
>> What is the significance "maxlogfiles" here. can logfiles not go beyond the
value specified ( 16 )??. What do we mean by log file groups ( is it 3 here).
Suppose once the database is running nad the I shutdown it and add an additional entry for log file and restart the database ...will it work fine ?. The sys01.dbf is used for what purpose?. How does its size matter?.
connect internal
create rollback segment r0 tablespace system
storage (initial 16k next 16k minextents 2 maxextents 20);
>> Why we create this r0 rollback segment... what is the purpose of creating it
and then later making it offline.
what for are these parameters used:
background_dump_dest = path -- for what types of dump it is used core_dump_dest = path -- for what types of dump it is used user_dump_dest = path -- for what types of dump it is used
With Regards and Thanks in Advance........ Dvsingh
-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own Received on Tue Oct 06 1998 - 00:32:22 CDT