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Re: Tuning for 36,000 + objects

From: Frenchy461 <>
Date: 5 Oct 1998 16:26:47 GMT
Message-ID: <>

There could be quite a few reasons why writes are happening to the SYSTEM tablespace(without knowing anything else): These could already be done, but I just thought I would bring them up.

  1. All data objects should not created in the SYSTEM tablespace.
  2. SYSTEM tablespace is default for temporary and user tablespace parameters when creating users. TEMP tablespace and USERS tablespace should be created and assigned to Users. When creating objects, if a tablespace parameter on create table statement is not specified, the table is created into the default tablespace of user. If many sorts are made, and not enough SORT_AREA_SIZE(parameter in init<SID>.ora file) is allocated, the sorts are push down to temporary parameter on user. Therefore, if these are not implemented, a lot of reads and writes could be in SYSTEM tablespace.
  3. Create rollback segment in their own tablespaces also.
  4. Look for over-extension on tables. Every time and extent is created, the data dictionary is read(SYSTEM tablespace). Everytime a read from table with many extents, the Oracle engine needs to be read to find all extents of the table in question. If this is a problem, check Initial and Next extent size parameter of the table, and resize initial extent size appropriately. (if table is very large, you might want to consider stripping into more than 1 extent utilizing the multiple processors you have.
  5. Chaining and migrating of data could cause some of this also.

There are other things then this but withought any more detail, it would not be feasible for me to go into these options.

Try this, if you have a problem, feel free to email me. Received on Mon Oct 05 1998 - 11:26:47 CDT

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