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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: How is optimization calculated on a query
You might consider adding to Jonathon's good suggestions by
making a multikey index: on c1, then c2. It should be able
to do any index-only query plan.
Let us know how it all works out..... wrote in message <6uomu3$uf5$>...
>Thanks for the hint. I tried it and it didn't seem to have any effect on
>execution plan. I do sometimes get an index scan on a 1 date constraint
and I
>have gotten in the past index scans on multiple dates without the to_date.
>am getting the correct number of rows selected.
>I would think that doing a select --+ index would force an index scan if
>possible and it doesn't.
>Thanks in advance for any other suggestions.
Received on Fri Oct 02 1998 - 08:20:48 CDT