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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> help!! Problem with TCP/IP listener for Personal Oracle8
I'm a newbie so I hope I don't sound too stupid. I have just installed personal oracle8 over developer2000 on my stand-alone PC.
I intend to connect developer2000 to my local database and have configured both SQL*Net Easy (from developer2000) and Oracle Net8 Easy (from personal oracle8) to connect to my local database using the TCP/IP protocol with host-name This was because SQL*Net Easy only supported TCP/IP. I used scott/tiger and the same database alias for both configurations.
When I tried connecting to the database from f45desm using scott/tiger and my database alias, I received the error message "ORA-12203: TNS:unable to connect to destination".
I gathered that my TCP/IP had not started so I ran LSNRCTL80 from DOS and tried to start the default TCP/IP listener. However, this produced an illegal operation message from windows. My listener.ora file goes like this: LISTENER = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (Host = (Port = 1521) ) ) STARTUP_WAIT_TIME_LISTENER = 0 CONNECT_TIMEOUT_LISTENER = 10 TRACE_LEVEL_LISTENER = ADMIN SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_LIST = (SID_DESC = (SID_NAME = ORCL) ) ) Is the problem to do my TCP/IP stack or is there something really wrong with my configuration?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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