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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> How to do this - SQL
Greetings newsgroup member,
I have two SQL-ORACLE question,
1)How to write SQL statements that will fetch a certain field of the "last record in the table". Say table A which contains field named Dept. I realized before this in this newsgroup there is a way to get the "last 15" using rownum < 16. However how if I don't know how many records in the table but I just want to get the last one.
2)The 2'nd question is regarding Oracle Report. Just to clarify my understanding. I have a report which have a PL/SQL inside. This PL/SQL was written in one of my function.
I can insert a data into my table using sequence. Something like this. INSERT INTO TABLE1 (FIELD1,FIELD2)
VALUES(SEQUENCE1.NEXTVAL, 10); It's perfectly OK and insert whatever next value on SEQUENCE1. However when I tried to assign the SEQUENCE1.CURRVAL to one of my variable it generate an error (outside of the DML operation).
myvariable := SEQUENCE1.CURRVAL;
Because it doesn't recognize SEQUENCE1.
How to assign current value of SEQUENCE1 to my variable.Is it possible?
Appreciate any help. Excuse me for asking siple question. I just another newbie...
-NORAZMAN- Received on Thu Oct 01 1998 - 07:01:23 CDT