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Re: Reports25 print no of copies per page

From: Steve Davis <>
Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 17:36:51 GMT
Message-ID: <>


If you have a character report, this should work; I'm not sure if it works for bitmap reports:

Look in your printer manual and find the escape sequences required to reset the printer and then set the number of copies of each page

Esc E          Esc&l#X for an HP LasetJet
                              |  This is a small L, not a one
# is the number of copies of each page

Find your .prt file and add the escape sequence for 'before report':

before report esc"E" esc "&l4X"

Add an after report reset escape sequence to prevent other reports printing 4 times (not required if the printer is dedicated to a single report)

after report esc "E"

If this works, you'll probably need to create a seperate .prt file for this report, so that other things don't print 4 times.

If you want to print on 4 different types of pre-printed stationery, you will have to load the paper in sequence (12341234..)

You may also want to include a 'paper source' escape sequence

If the printer IS dedicated to one report (I can't imagine you wanting to print anything else on PO stationery), none of this may be necessary - you might be able to set the number of copies from the control panel, or by software (if you set the number of copies to 4, and never reset the printer, it should continue printing everything 4 times) - This should work for a bitmap report too.

The commands allowed in the .prt file (In case your printer isn't HP PCL compatible) are:

esc -sends an escape character (ASCII 27) control(X) - sends a control character (X is any letter) dec(###) - sends ASCII character ### (decimal) hex(xx) - sends ASCII character xx (hexadecimal) "text" - sends the characters enclosed, but not the quotes


Richard Brands <> wrote:

>Our old version of our purchase order report, written in Cobol printed
>each page 4 times on each different preprinted paper. We are trying to
>build the same report with Oracle Reports25. Reports25 allows you to
>print any number of copies of the report, but I cannot find a way to
>print the no of copies per page. The purchase order can have any number
>of pages, and the report prints all outstanding purchase orders. This
>means we do not know the number of orders printed and the number of
>pages for each order.
>Does anyone have any suggestions on how to print multiple copies of a
>report per page?

>Thanks and regards,

Received on Wed May 13 1998 - 12:36:51 CDT

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