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Oracle on Linux enhancement request, need your support!

From: David Sisk <>
Date: 1998/05/02
Message-ID: <lbM21.19$>#1/1

Fellow Linux users:
I have posted several questions to this newsgroup, and I have been very impressed with the quality of the responses, as well as the whole Linux community in general. I'm installing Caldera's OpenLinux Base distribution on a different PC right now (yes, I'm a newbie!), and I'd like to do what little I personally can to help this O/S grow in popularity and even successfully compete with Microsoft WindowsNT for corporate marketshare. To contribute my little piece to the puzzle, I have gotten an enhancement request generated at Oracle Corporation to provide a Linux port of Oracle8 and other tools. (Enhancement request# 663419, the text from the request is attached below.) To my understanding, none of the major database vendors currently have a version of their core database product for the Linux O/S, although I believe all of them are being asked for it. From my perspective as an Oracle database administrator, one of the happenings that would definitely help push the Linux O/S into corporations (and allow it to be taken very seriously as an alternative to MS Windows95 and MS WindowsNT) would be for the major database vendors to provide product offerings for Linux.
Oracle Corporation (supposedly) periodically reviews enhancement requests and looks at input from user groups, IOUG-A enhancements voting, and number of TAR's (technical assistance requests) logged against the respective enhancement requests. They already have the enhancement request, so if anyone wants to help push, here's what you can do: 1) If you are a member of the Internation Oracle User's Group - America's, you can vote on this enhancement request at the next round of voting this year. See for details.
2) If you are a member of a local Oracle user's group, type up a simple petition stating that "The following member's of the xxx Oracle User's Group would like to see Enhancement Request# 663419 'Linux port of ORACLE8' implemented". Have the user group members sign the petition, and mail it to:
ORACLE Corporation
Support Sales & Customer Services
500 Oracle Parkway
Redwood Shores Ca 94065
3) If you are currently an Oracle customer and have purchased support services, then you can call in a TAR. Simply indicate that your company would like to see Enhancement Request# 663419 "Linux port of ORACLE8" implemented. Do this in addition to #1 and/or #2, as Oracle product managers review the volume of TAR's pointing to enhancement requests. 4) If the above two options aren't available to you (if you're not already an Oracle customer), then call the Support Sales & Customer Services at 1-800-392-2999, and let them know that you'd like to see Enhancement Request# 663419 "Linux port of ORACLE8" implemented. Feel free to post a copy of this on any other newsgroups or websites that you may know of.
Thanks and kindest regards to everyone!
Dave Sisk

> Enhancement Request#: 663419
> Provide a port of the ORACLE8 enterprise data server and other ORACLE
> tools and components for the LINUX operating system. Use ORACLE8 for
> SCO Unix as the starting point, as several companies have already
> gotten the SCO Unix port of ORACLE to run LINUX, after some tweaking
> and customization of the O/S.
> HEADLINE: Linux port of ORACLE8
> As you may already know, the LINUX operating system is gaining
> popularity very quickly. LINUX (one of the many flavors of unix) is
> available for Intel x86 platforms, PowerPC platforms, Sun SPARC
> platforms, Digital Alpha platforms, etc. LINUX is also reportedly one
> of the top 5 O/S's used for commercial web-servers and ISP's. Leading
> industry journals and analysts are indicating that LINUX has found
> it's way into Corporate computing because of it's functionality,
> stability, inexpensiveness, peformance, and portability over several
> hardware platforms. Industry journals are predicting that LINUX will
> begin to battle with WindowsNT for marketshare over the next several
> years. LINUX will provide 64-bit operation on the upcoming Intel
> Merced processor long before WindowsNT. Finally, there is rumor of an
> initiative underway to enhance LINUX to natively support the NUMA
> specification (shared-disk and shared-memory clustering across nodes)
> on Intel platforms, thus allowing it tremendous scaleability and entry
> into competition with other enterprise-level operating systems.
> Providing an Oracle8 port for LINUX will not only help improve the O/S
> popularity, it will provide another low-cost, multi-hardware platform
> on which to run Oracle products and more marketshare for Oracle
> Corporation.
Received on Sat May 02 1998 - 00:00:00 CDT

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