R12 - XLA / FAH - Useful Notes / GDFs / Patches

vamsi kasina's picture

Miultiple Entities GDF 9651687
In SLA Not In GL GDF 9481239

FAQ for SLA Upgrade 604893.1
SLA Obsolete Profiles 553229.1
FAQ - FSAH / FAH 729545.1
XLA Setup Diagnostics Test 942252.1

XLA Accounting Attributes Mapping 942650.1
How To Derive Accounts Using Account Derivation Rules? 797115.1
Custom Applications 833986.1
Create Accounting Performance Issues 791049.1
GL Transfer Datafixes 883557.1. This can be used for reconciliation between XLA / FAH and GL.
How to Troubleshoot XML Performance Issues? 983063.1

FND Debug Log 787727.1
SQL Trace 787724.1 (Please change the tracefile_identifier every time)
Why are One-Off Patches so Large? 841218.1
OWC Note 274430.1