Re: How to restrict database to use specific diskgroup within a Grid configuration

From: Sourav Biswas <>
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2022 05:55:26 +0000
Message-ID: <OS3P286MB09933171D25EC32684FCA61AF0129_at_OS3P286MB0993.JPNP286.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>

Hi Vishal,

That is how it is currently designed. However, it came up as a security compliance, since datafiles from other databases are exposed to all databases in same cluster.

Best Regards,
Sourav Biswas

From: vishal chavan <> Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2022 9:01 AM
To: <> Cc: <> Subject: Re: How to restrict database to use specific diskgroup within a Grid configuration

Simple way would be to add datafiles only in associated diskgroup for corresponding tablespaces.


On Thursday, March 17, 2022, Sourav Biswas <<>> wrote: Hello Everyone,

Current environment:

OS: RHEL 7.9
Grid OS User: grid
Grid: 19.14
Oracle OS User: oracle
CDB: 19.14 We are running multiple CDBs with one PDB each, on a single Grid. As per our architecture, for every CDB, we have 3 sets of asm diskgroups(DATA_CDBn,REDO_CDBn,ARCH_CDBn) created.

For example,
CDB1 database will have DATA_CDB1, REDO_CDB1, ARCH_CDB1 diskgroups CDB2 database will have DATA_CDB2, REDO_CDB2, ARCH_CDB2 diskgroup

Since, at ASM level we can see all of the above 6 diskgroups, I would like to introduce some restrictions to every database to read and write to their dedicated diskgroups. I want to ensure that even the sysdba privilege user of a database cannot create datafile on diskgroups belonging to other database.

Please advise how to implement this restriction.

Sourav Biswas

Received on Thu Mar 17 2022 - 06:55:26 CET

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