I/O ACFS versus Huaweii Hypermetro-Mirror

From: Lothar Flatz <l.flatz_at_bluewin.ch>
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 17:27:16 +0100
Message-ID: <6989d881-e6a7-1278-1776-0679ce37d40b_at_bluewin.ch>


one of my customers created two Test setups. One with Oracle ACFS and one with the Huaweii Hypermetro-Mirror. They used DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.calibrate_io to measure the I/O Performance. The Result was that the ACFS setup showed twice the IOPS of the Hypermetro-Mirror.
The customer thinks this could be a draw, since the I/O to synchronize is done under the hood of the Hypermetro-Mirror and therefore half of the I/O could go unnoticed by the OS.

It is not exactly my core competency.
I have these questions:

  1. Is the argument of the customer correct? Is the Hypermetro-Mirror performing under the hood?
  2. Is calibrate_io a good tool to measure performance? I usually hear SLOB when it comes to that.
  3. What other consideration besides performance would you consider useful? Fail-safe is obviously a candidate, the system is set up to be used in an hospital.

I know my questions areĀ  a bit vague. I got the task in lack of better skilled people and I must worm myself into the topic some way. ;-)

Regards and thanks


Received on Wed Nov 10 2021 - 17:27:16 CET

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