Duplicate from active database failing with ORA-19625 , ORA-27037 for archivelogs

From: Sandra Becker <sbecker6925_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2019 13:54:34 -0700
Message-ID: <CAJzM94AE06uZpd04izviw2-c898UH_BtzijR1p07YjkaNOKepw_at_mail.gmail.com>

Oracle 11.2 on RHEL

I have been trying to duplicate a production database to a new server to do some baseline testing. This is not a situation where I can do a duplicate for standby and the auxiliary database must have a new name. I'm able to get the datafiles restored without a problem. The duplicate is failing to find/copy all the archivelogs it needs. Sometimes it can't find a log with a sequence between two others it did find. For example, it found 730 and 737, but did not find 731 through 736. All logs still exist on the old server.

My duplicate script is pretty simple:

connect target
connect auxiliary

allocate channel t1 type disk;
allocate channel t2 type disk;
allocate channel t3 type disk;
allocate channel t4 type disk;
allocate auxiliary channel a1 type disk;
allocate auxiliary channel a2 type disk; allocate auxiliary channel a3 type disk; duplicate target database to baseline from active database nofilenamecheck; release channel t1;

release channel a3;

Unfortunately, I cannot post the entries from the log due to security policies, but I'll try for a synopsis.

  • After restoring datafiles (or using previous duplicated file), it does an alter system archive log current and then the set new name commands
  • I see "backup as copy reuse" and then a list or archivlogs with the current primary archive log location then the auxiliary format with that location
  • Next catalog clone datafile copy
  • switch clone datafile to datafilecopy
  • executing memory script
  • Starting backup
  • skipping archived log for logs already copied from previous run, then input archived log
  • finished backup
  • catalog archived log
  • instance started
  • alter system to set db_name and reset db_unique_name
  • shutdown
  • release channels
  • Error stack indicating it can't find an archivelog
Q1:  Why isn't the duplicate copying all the logs if they are on disk?
Q2:  Can I manually copy the logs before I start the duplicate?
Q3:  How can I find all the logs that I will need?

Frustration level is pretty high since my deadline is Monday and I've been working on this for over a week. Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Sandy B.

Received on Thu Jan 31 2019 - 21:54:34 CET

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