RE: archive_lag_target with real time apply for data guard

From: Mark W. Farnham <>
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 09:26:49 -0500
Message-ID: <085d01d13bfb$a2c059c0$e8410d40$>

Active data guard switches on real time apply. (Because it needs to be up to date to fulfill the feature description.)

Switching on real time apply does not switch on active data guard. (And serves maximum protection without adding to license fees.)

Your observation was accurate, but in this instance the application of converse logic was in error. The license fees possible in audit due to accidental temporary usage of a feature tend to make us justifiably paranoid about this stuff.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Mladen Gogala Sent: Monday, December 21, 2015 1:54 AM
To: kathryn axelrod; Cc:
Subject: Re: archive_lag_target with real time apply for data guard

On 12/20/2015 07:01 PM, kathryn axelrod wrote:
> You are correct; real time apply is a free feature of ee data guard.
> It simply changes the process from waiting for actual archive logs to
> sending 'in real time' using redo logs.I
I am not quite sure about that. Whenever I opened the standby in read-only mode, "real time apply" went from "NO" to "YES". Standby was in the maximum performance mode, with DG broker configured.

Mladen Gogala
Oracle DBA


Received on Mon Dec 21 2015 - 15:26:49 CET

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